Launch Your Business and App — We'll Handle the Details.

Hero images showing orchestration of microservices and technologies that  turn into a full-fldged product.

Our Platform: Benefits and Highlights.

Resource Constraints

Building and managing an in-house team of developers, DevOps engineers, and IT specialists can be costly and time-consuming. A fully-managed solution provides access to a team of experts without the need to hire and manage additional staff.

Technical Complexities

Developing, deploying, and maintaining applications requires a broad range of technical skills and expertise. A fully-managed solution simplifies this process by handling the technical aspects, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations and growth strategies.

Scalability and Flexibility

As businesses grow, their applications must scale and adapt to meet changing demands. A fully-managed solution offers the necessary scalability and flexibility to accommodate evolving needs without compromising performance.

Security and Compliance

Developing, deploying, and maintaining applications requires a broad range of technical skills and expertise. A fully-managed solution simplifies this process by handling the technical aspects, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations and growth strategies.

Ongoing Maintenance

Keeping applications up-to-date and running smoothly requires continuous monitoring, updates, and bug fixes. A fully-managed solution takes care of these tasks, providing businesses with peace of mind and freeing up their resources to focus on other priorities.

Prebuilt Frontend Frameworks.

Prebuilt frontend frameworks accelerate MVP development by providing UI/UX consistency, code maintainability, and access to large developer communities. Frameworks in iOS, Kotlin, React, and Vue.js offer customizability, scalability, and future-proofing. Integrating these tools streamlines the development process, enabling teams to focus on core features and deliver value to customers.

Microservices Orchestration.

Revolutionizing App Development through Innovative Microservices Orchestration.
Image depicting microservices orchestration

Accelerate MVP Development.

Our pre-built microservices act as powerful, customizable building blocks that help speed up your MVP development process. By integrating our ready-to-use services like chat messaging, video calling, and authentication, we'll get your product to market faster and more efficiently.
A client needed to quickly add real-time chat functionality to their MVP. We integrated our chat messaging microservice, enabling them to launch their product on time and within budget.

Modular Approach for Scalability and Flexibility.

Our microservices-based architecture ensures that your MVP is scalable, maintainable, and adaptable. By breaking down your application into smaller, modular components, we enable you to easily evolve and grow your product alongside your business.
We built a payment subscription MVP using microservices for user profiles, and betting-odds management. As the client's business grew, we quickly scaled individual services to meet increased demand.

Customized Solutions for Unique MVPs.

We understand that every MVP is unique. That's why we tailor our microservices to meet your specific needs and requirements. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure your MVP aligns perfectly with your business goals and objectives.
A client had a highly specialized MVP that required unique functionality. We built custom microservices to meet their specific needs, resulting in a successful and differentiated product.

End-to-End Development Support.

Benefit from our comprehensive development package, including MVP development and microservices integration. We handle every step of the process, from ideation to deployment, giving you a seamless and stress-free experience as you bring your vision to life.
A client came to us with just an idea. Our end-to-end support transformed their concept into a fully-functional MVP, complete with custom microservices for a unique and powerful solution.

Leveraging the Best of Cloud Technology.

Our platform takes advantage of a multi-cloud infrastructure, combining our own custom development with industry-leading services and solutions from Netlify, Google Cloud, Heroku, and AWS.This allows us to deliver a solution that is highly optimized, secure, and cost-effective.
Image depicting microservices orchestration
Image showing the icons for all cloud texh we support

Benefits of a Multicloud Strategy ...

Vendor Lock-in Avoidance

By not relying on a single cloud provider, we mitigate the risk of vendor lock-in and maintain greater flexibility in choosing the best services and solutions for our solutions.

Improved Resilience

Distributing applications across multiple cloud platforms can enhance overall system resilience, ensuring that service disruptions or outages in one platform don't impact the entire application.

Tailored Deployments

Different cloud platforms have unique offerings and specializations. A multi-cloud architecture enables you to select the most suitable platform for specific components of your applications, resulting in optimized performance and efficiency.

How it Works.

Our hybrid studio-SaaS model offers customized, scalable, and fully managed solutions tailored to your unique needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we deliver seamless development experiences from ideation to deployment, providing unwavering support as your long-term partner for app development success.
  • Consultation.

    We work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a custom project plan, identifying the most suitable microservices for your app.
  • App Development.

    We design, code, test, and deploy high-quality front-end solutions for web and mobile apps tailored to your requirements. We leverage pre-built microservices for faster development, ensuring your app's backend is scalable, flexible, and well-integrated with your custom-built front-end.
  • Ongoing Management.

    Enjoy the benefits of fully managed solutions, including regular updates, security patches, monitoring, and support for your microservices-based app.
  • Subscription Model.

    Subscribe to our ongoing services to ensure your app stays up-to-date, secure, and performs optimally with our fully-managed microservices orchestration.
I'm ready to build my lean MVP and get a head start on competition.
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